Spousal Support



Spousal Support

In some cases, it may be appropriate for one spouse to receive financial support from the other. The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, which can assist in calculating the amount and duration of support, are not always clear-cut and depend on the establishment of entitlement. The amount and duration of spousal support are only considered when an entitlement to support has been established.

The overriding principles and factors for a spousal support award are set out in the Divorce Act or the Ontario Family Law Act and include compensation, needs/means, and promoting self-sufficiency where possible.

Whether you’re the spouse in need of support or the one likely to pay it, you need an experienced family law lawyer on your side.


When somebody is there for you in the way you need them, and not just your cheerleader, but actually does the things you need to be done to get into the next place, it’s a big deal.


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